View Full Version : Lubang di Tutup Akuarium & Karbon Aktif

06-30-2003, 01:41 AM
Saya hanya ingin sharing hasil browsing di arofanatics, di mana salah satu hobbyist di Spore kehilangan satu arowana-nya, karena di tutup akuarium-nya ada lobang kecil, 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm, tapi tetap saja arowananya yang relatif besar (daripada ukuran lubang), 15-17 cm, tetap saja bisa loncat keluar dan pulang ke Bapak di Surga.

Mungkin buat rekan-rekan yang belum tutup akuarium dgn rapat, atau ada lobang, ini bisa jadi bahan bacaan utk pertimbangan.

Ini CLICK HERE (http://arofanatics.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=72633) thread tersebut utk complete story-nya.

Ada juga mengenai Karbon Aktif, yg sering di-rumorkan menjadi penyebab HIH (Hole In Head) kepada Aro. Â*Menurut Kenny a.k.a. Hobbit (seorg dokter yg jadi resident medical expert di arofanatics), ini tidak benar sbb:

"The part about activated carbon causing head rot too, that is not too accurate as well. The only thing that AC can cause, is to strip the water column of trace elements, and perhaps vitamins and medication, in addition to some toxins. If your aro is fed only 1-2 types of live food, or just processed food, for a long time, perhaps this sort of HIH disease can occur, with nutrient deficiency and imbalance, or lowered immunity as a primary cause. HIH is a symptom of a lateral line disease which can be cause by numerous parasitic organism (hexamita, spironucleus, etc) that reside in your fish, and multiply fast and become virulent when the fish is malnourished or when it's immunity is down due to other reasons (stress, poor water quality, etc)."

Tentunya, komentar di-atas sepertinya diberikan dgn asumsi kalau karbon aktif yg dipakai diganti secara regular, supaya 'arang-basi' tsb ga nyimpan toxin.

Di thread tsb, juga tersedia info mengenai penyakit aro dan kemungkinan penyembuhan-nya. Â*
CLICK HERE (http://arofanatics.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=74095)

Semoga berguna dan bila ada tambahan/koreksi, mohon bisa dikomentar stlh posting ini. Â*Happy arowana keeping http://www.n1wan.com/forums/public_html/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif