View Full Version : my new tank

02-10-2009, 11:14 PM
nih aqua saya yng baru jalan sekitar 2 bulanan. sekarang lgi pusing kena hair alga.:cry:

tank : 60x30x45
filter : canister jebo 825
lampu : 2 x 36 W PL
CO2 sistem 2 bps
substrat : pasir mix
pupuk : dasar JBL, cair Wonder Gro Mac-Mic, tancap WG
flora : pada ga tau nama nya:D
fauna : 3 SAE, 1 CAE, 20 RCS


02-10-2009, 11:37 PM
Weleh, komputer gue jadi lelet nih bukanya...gede amat ya size gambarnya...:cry:

04-05-2021, 05:39 AM
So I bought the Leo and was pitched straight into a tier 8 battle.  And 5 of first 6 battles were all tier 8. I recall that the first 5-10 battles in a new tank had preferential matchmaking, so that you were top tier for a while.  When did that stop?