View Full Version : My Borneo Golden Arowana

JD Winata
08-14-2005, 10:30 AM
Here's attached on my gallery pictures of Sauron (named after Lord of the Ring, well you know the keywords here ; RINGS!)
She's female aro (very sure about it) 2,6 years old , about 45cm , very2 spoony shaped head and the goldish colouration is very dark (24K looks)
Was kept on 6.5m x 1,5m x 1,8m paludarium along with my 5' Arapaima Gigas .
She under recovery since torn all over the fin after kept along with other green and Guinea Arowana, so i move the others to the ground pond and keep her alone on the paludarium .
Well guys , Gold aro could be very2 attractive and beautiful,
Please share with us if you have one or interested with gold aro .

JD Winata
08-14-2005, 10:46 AM
Here's some picture of her :

08-14-2005, 12:38 PM
super duper spoony

08-14-2005, 04:08 PM
i only have 1 aro and he is RTG. you know that Prada. Sauron gold is more shinning that Prada. Sauron like more old than Prada ( 3 Years old).

08-14-2005, 04:25 PM
that's trully beauty Rtg Om Hans...one of my Idol...beside Prada and Alam!
Cantik banget!!!!

JD Winata
08-14-2005, 07:57 PM
Cung ,pls upload your Prada's picture , looking forward to see the photo soon!
Sauron is not so big as My bloodred Firewall , if you want to talk size ,Firewall it is , 2,6years old almost 50cm and very wide and thick body , FW is so big even my friend ,an experience aro expert tought FW was 4-5years old .
Well i love my gold as like i love my red too.

08-14-2005, 11:36 PM
oom JD. sebenarnya masih malu kasih lihat prada :(. kalah jauh. lagian saya sedang tidak punya kamera lagi. tapi ini saya coba ambil pakai mobile phone punya kamera. warna disini terlalu coklat dan sebenarnya warna sisiknya ngak sekuning itu. please enjoy. mata kiri sudah turun :(.

(sorry i miss the english version)

Uncle JD, for truth i am not confidence to show you my Prada. i took it by my mobile phone camera. this photo don't show the real color of Prada, it look more shining here. the left eyes already drop. please enjoy.

08-14-2005, 11:40 PM
kalau mau dibandingkan coba lihat dayungnya si Sauron warnanya coklat sekali. kalau prada hanya kecoklat-coklatan. sepertinya ini efek dari sinar matahari dan ditempatkan di kolam, kali yah oom. prada hanya taruh di aquarium bening seperti itu saja, kecuali dasarnya warna biru. pakai lampu cuman sylvania (aquastar) 20x2 watt.

(i miss again, sorry)

If you compare the fin. You can see that Sauron is more red than Prada. I think this is the efect of sunray. You put it on yours Paladurium and my only on clear aquarium like that, except the bottom is blue. used 20x2 watt sylvania aquastar.

JD Winata
08-15-2005, 06:32 AM
Look at that body shape! Awesome ! She's BIG! great fin ,really blooms fin, I like her head , looks very similar to my old SADAKO (remember Cung?)

08-15-2005, 08:00 AM
Hans, this is my RTG from below, crossing from its stomach first :D very rusty.
Cung, thats nice RTG, a fat one also.

08-15-2005, 09:37 AM
You've really2 great and nice Rtg guys!!!

JD Winata
08-15-2005, 10:02 AM
Lets Start Gold fever !!

08-15-2005, 01:16 PM
Very neat ring Rian.

08-15-2005, 03:02 PM
Cung, this fish has a very good ring, and very fierce, she eats almost anything. For Hans, if u interested, she's available, u know.. :)

08-16-2005, 01:14 PM
Hans, this is my RTG from below, crossing from its stomach first :D very rusty.
Cung, thats nice RTG, a fat one also.

Baahh...mantap nih RTG-nya...perasaan jarang2 dah diposting...diperem mulu neh ampe karatan gitu...

JD Winata
08-16-2005, 05:15 PM
ha ha ha si Adi ,dulu pada gila Gold semua lalu lari SR gila2an boosting warna, sekarang "simpanan" lamanya keluar semua , gue masih ada 1 batch simpanan lagi nich RTG coreless ,tunggu deh asahannya.
Si Alam, Prada , Sauron smua satu angkatan tuh ,
sayang dulu RTG jumbo gue di jual si Sadako , wah itu super gembul makan sehari bisa 2-3 gelas ulat HK doang . Dijual lumayan waktu itu 2,5thn lalu 10jt minus 50rb .

08-19-2005, 07:57 AM
ha ha ha si Adi ,dulu pada gila Gold semua lalu lari SR gila2an boosting warna, sekarang "simpanan" lamanya keluar semua , gue masih ada 1 batch simpanan lagi nich RTG coreless ,tunggu deh asahannya.
Si Alam, Prada , Sauron smua satu angkatan tuh ,
sayang dulu RTG jumbo gue di jual si Sadako , wah itu super gembul makan sehari bisa 2-3 gelas ulat HK doang . Dijual lumayan waktu itu 2,5thn lalu 10jt minus 50rb .

hah RTG coreless yah...dah tau...diceritain tuh ama Stephen..btw kok bisa coreless yah..??? si sadako mah I kenal, cuman maharnya kaga nahan...

08-19-2005, 03:42 PM
Test 1 2 3 ...upload :
(ini aro rtg gw atu2nya yg ada di omah)




08-19-2005, 06:28 PM
another nice Rtg! pak hendro size-nya brp nih Rtg?

JD Winata
08-22-2005, 09:42 AM
Ndro!! kemana aja sampeyan ini? he he lama gak nongol ,keluar2 udah emasan gini

08-22-2005, 10:06 PM
memberanikan diri neh, sorry about the pic :o...ada di gallery :o

11-07-2005, 10:32 PM
tsk...tsk... cakep" semua... ehm... bikin jakun naik turun hehehehehe

punya cung bagus head shapenya cung.....top bodynya juga mantap...:)
sayang kemaren ke jkt ga sempet ke niwan, hari lebaran sih....:)

11-08-2005, 02:26 PM
tsk...tsk... cakep" semua... ehm... bikin jakun naik turun hehehehehe

punya cung bagus head shapenya cung.....top bodynya juga mantap...:)
sayang kemaren ke jkt ga sempet ke niwan, hari lebaran sih....:)

Rekan Kaer, lebaran hari ke 2 Buka 1/2 hari, kebetulan tidak mudik dan ada keluarga serta rekan2 yg datang silaturahmi ;)

11-08-2005, 04:06 PM
ndro .... hampir hiback tuh rtgnya .... keren ;)

11-10-2005, 12:42 AM
:o :(:confused: wah... ga ngerti kalo buka....:(
next time om niwan.... :confused:

11-10-2005, 04:55 PM
beautiful aros ... suka banget lihat glare rings nya aro bung rian. udah pada gendut-gendut ya :)
Pak JD, sauron tampaknya lebih emas daripada sadako ya ? padahal belum gendut banget. wow wow ..
btw, pak JD kalo nggak salah dulu pernah punya koleksi platinum, dimanakah gerangan dia ? tampaknya masih di 'perem', sampe bener-bener siap show-off... :)

04-14-2007, 10:25 PM
i can't stand it anymore !! those aro are too awesome !