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jadoel 02-08-2006 07:52 PM

Diskusi soal breeding di aquarium
Dapat dari internet, sepertinya mudah breeding arwana di aquarium, aquarium tidak terlalu gede, arwananya umur 2 thn, atau hanya kebetulan doang :D

Dear guys,
This morning at 4:50 am. I wake and found out that the MALE Xian Leng Malaysian Gold already have something full in the mouth. I miss the spawning part. i slept in-front of my tank in order to view this. What a waste.

Any tips can u guys gimme on how to take care if this pair since the MALE already mouth-brooding the egg and the female Xian Leng Banjar Gold is in the same tank with him. There is only 2 aro in this tank.

1) How long the mouth-brooding took ?
2) Any precautions regarding water parameter in order to prevent fungus.
3) Do we need to feed the female? and if do how/ Coz i'm quite scared to disturbed the aro now.
4) These aro are still young JUSt around 2 yrs plus so does not know whether the fertility rate is OK or Not.
5) any other pre-cautions ...

Pls help me in this..TQ in advance

If bros here have useful and meaningful tips for ...then help me on this...

Here is the basic info.

Tank size : 6 *2.5 * 2.5
Aro: 2 yrs plus Xian Leng Malaysian Gold (MALE) and Xian Leng Banjar Gold (FEMALE)
No other tankmates except few carps feeder fish which both of them dun eat recently.

azura 02-09-2006 07:37 PM

Re: Diskusi soal breeding di aquarium
udah baca jg .... tp ngak foto, jd ngak yakin bro ... :o

adipurwanto 02-10-2006 07:56 AM

Re: Diskusi soal breeding di aquarium

Originally Posted by azura
udah baca jg .... tp ngak foto, jd ngak yakin bro ... :o

Ada fotonya tuh bro... di halaman2 belakang, cuman agak blur sih. But, keliatan si jantan emang lagi ngemut telor.

azura 02-10-2006 05:59 PM

Re: Diskusi soal breeding di aquarium

Originally Posted by adipurwanto
Ada fotonya tuh bro... di halaman2 belakang, cuman agak blur sih. But, keliatan si jantan emang lagi ngemut telor.

telor dierami .... permen diemut ... gimana sih :p :D

Gaga 02-13-2006 04:12 PM

Re: Diskusi soal breeding di aquarium
Banyak orang di Indonesia juga lagi mencoba mengawinkan SR dalam aquarium tapi sejauh ini belum ada yg berhasil. Progres paling bagus paling-paling cuma yg di surabaya. SR betina bertelor, SR jantan membuahi. Setelah membuahi, SR jantan memasukan semua telur ke dalam mulutnya. Tapi beberapa hari kemudian, semua telur yg sudah dibuahi itu "hilang" dari mulut si jantan (kaya'nya sih ditelan sama jantannya).


43DUL 02-15-2006 05:46 PM

Re: Diskusi soal breeding di aquarium
Saya kira bisa saja breeding diaquarium yg paling menentukan sekali adalah GH. Mengacu pada discus (sama2 habitatnya balck water) dia hanya mau mijah pada kisaran gh tertentu. Cuma kalo disscus buku ttg breedingnya banyak, beda kalo aro apalagi sr banyak rahasianya.

Bagi rekan2 yg mau mencoba ada baiknya mengacu pada discus terutama parameter air (GH) pd saat mijah.

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