Thread: apakah X back
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Old 03-01-2010, 07:56 AM   #40
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Default Re: apakah X back

Originally Posted by ecunoq View Post
saya rasa golden xback malaysia itu udah ikan hybrid la bro. soalnya tahun 70an n 80an banyak breder2 malaysia ambil aro RTG dari riau mahato river. kalo keaslian Xback adalah ikan dasar alami malaysia asal bukit merah kurasa itu mungkin cuma akal akalan breeder malaysia.. secara logika bukit merah cuma danau kecil seluas 7000 acre dan sekarang banyak resort so dari mana ikan arwana bisa hidup disitu? terus kenapa ditempat itu jika ada habibat asli arwana kok sekarang dijadiin resort. bukannya dijadikan tempat dilindungin/terlarang oleh pemerintahnya. lagian ikan ini habitatnya asli hidup disungai bukan didanau ( sungai dangkal kalo danau itu dalam)
so buat apa kita abisin duit banyak beli dari luar negeri cari di farm2 pekan baru kurasa banyak ikan hybrid spt RTG XBACK.

Several distinct, naturally occurring colour varieties are recognised, each found in a specific geographic region. They include the following:
  • The green is the most common variety, found in Indonesia (Kalimantan and Sumatra), Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, and Malaysia.
  • The silver Asian (not to be confused with the silver arowana, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) is considered part of the green variety by some. It has two subvarieties, the "grey tail silver" or "Pinoh arowana," and the "yellow tail silver," each found in a different part of the island of Borneo in Indonesia.
  • The red-tailed golden is found in northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
  • The gold crossback, blue Malayan, or Bukit Merah blue is native to the state of Pahang and the Bukit Merah area in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia.
  • The red, super red, blood red, or chili red is known only from the upper part of the Kapuas River and nearby lakes in western Borneo, Indonesia.
In 2003, a study[1] was published which proposed breaking S. formosus into four separate species. This classification was based on both morphology and genetics, and includes the following species:
  • Scleropages formosus was redescribed to include the strain known as the green arowana. The gold crossback, which was not part of the study, was included in this species by default, though it was suspected that it was closely related to S. aureus.(RTG)
  • Scleropages macrocephalus described the silver Asian arowana.
  • Scleropages aureus described the red-tailed golden arowana.
  • Scleropages legendrei described the super red arowana.
Other researchers dispute this reclassification, arguing that the published data are insufficient to justify recognizing more than one Southeast Asian species of Scleropages

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thanks inponya bro ecunoq, welkom to n1red
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