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Old 11-25-2008, 11:53 AM   #1
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Default he had joe satriani souls

tau gitaris Funtwo asal korea? kalo belom tau ente ketinggalan jaman banget. funtwo saat ini disejajarkan dengan joe satriani, slash (gitaris guns n roses), richie sambora (gitaris bon jovi). banyak orang bilang kalo dia bisa disejajarkan oleh big master joe satriani. well here's the video (youtube). gara2 cuplikan "CANON ROCK"nya ini, namanya melejit menjadi terkenal diseluruh dunia dan youtube.. awesome memang, gitar yg dipakai adalah guitar90.. dimana gitar ini mempunyai best performance , one of best video from youtube.

Funtwo self recorded, his cover of Canon D Rock in 2005. In October 23th, 2005, he uploaded his video onto the popular Korean music site His intention was to get feedback from peer to improve his playing. From there an unknown fan under the alias guitar90 copied the video to YouTube, with the elegant intro: “this guy iz great!!!”. Rapidly the video got popular and viewed millions times, speculation and wonder was running to know who was beneath this baseball cap in this yellow haze light. Jeong-Hyun says in 2006 in an interview with the New York Times “First time when I saw JerryC’s ‘Canon’ video, it was so amazing, I thought I might play it, So I practised it by myself using tab and backing track from Jerry’s homepage.” New York Times asked Jeong-Hyung the reason he didn’t show his face on his video, he wrote, “Main purpose of my recording is to hear the other’s suggestions about my playing.”. He added, “I think play is more significant than appearance. Therefore I want the others to focus on my fingering and sound. Furthermore I know I’m not that handsome.
Many viewers have speculated and thought the video was fake since the music is not in proper sync with the video. Lim later stated to The New York Times that this had to do with the fact that he recorded the audio and video independently and then matched them inexactly.
Jeong-Hyun also mentioned: “Some said my vibrato is quite sloppy,” he replied. “And I agree that so these days I’m doing my best to improve my vibrato skill.”, "I am always thinking that I’m not that good player and must improve more than now.
Funtwo's cover of Canon Rock has been mentioned on CNN, 20/20, The New York Times, and National Public Radio, in addition to MBC news, CBC Radio, KBS news, other Korean news stations and many others.


Jeong-Hyun taught himself guitar for six years before the YouTube phenomena. He only took one month of guitar lessons in 2000. As of August 2006 he was living in Seoul where he listens avidly to Bach and Vivaldi.
His father is a captain of an oil tanker where he spend most of his time at sailing. He gave, as a gift, Funtwo's guitar, an ESP Alfee Custon SEC-28OTC with gold-colored detailed.
Jeong-Hyun also arranged other classics. He composed a holiday card to his fans called "Carol Rock (funtwo Is Coming to Town)", a rock version of Santa Claus is Coming to Town. He also played Dream Theater's Overture 1928, and recently he posted a video of himself performing Antonio Vivaldi's Summer from the "Four Seasons," one of Vivaldi's most famous works.
Lim has expressed no wish to carry on playing as a professional guitarist. However his online fame has allowed him to play to live audiences twice — once for the Korean ambassador in Washington, DC, and then again at the KORUS festival the same year. At the KORUS festival, Lim played improvised, altered versions of the Korean national anthem and the American national anthem. In the same interview in which he stated his wish to carry on playing guitar simply as a hobby, he also rated his own playing a moderate 50/60 out of 100.
He studied at Auckland University in New Zealand where he also learn English.

NB: gedein volume speaker anda, anda akan terkagum2 oleh petikan guitar90 yg dimainkan oleh funtwo. have fun.
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