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Old 01-28-2009, 04:19 PM   #9
NAC 125
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Default Re: lampu metal halide bulb 20000K

Originally Posted by arofanatics View Post
tks bro
oh bgitu, kirain gw salah..
bulb bgitu pake casing kyk lampu sorot; spt biasa dipake di lap tennis juga kali yah...

apa mirip sm lampu suting gw ini...sori aga lama...nyari2 dolo ktemu jua hahaha
1000watt ...soal terang, bayangin tidur di rasa aro bisa item dlm seminggu hahaha abis tu tagihan listrik bla....bla...blaa...

oh ya ini bulbnya halogen, dijamin ini bukan lampu matahari lagi....lampu "Antares" ( bintang paling gede sejagad )..krn watt-nya gde ajah, klo kcil i dunno

ngemeng2 MH ama Halogen bedanya apa yah??brp"K" blum dapet infonya??
sori rekan2 NACers nanya molo nih????aseli gw buta bgt

bner si kt om richard tan, pake lampu ab ajah uda males liatnya palagi yg bginian
ada yg mo tanning pake lampu halogen, crazy man hehehee
keknya ntar lg ada yg mo nanya halogen versus MH??
iya bro model2 kaya gitu tuh , MH ama halogen kayanya ga ada beda, kelvinnya juga sama, cuma biasanya lampu2 yang ber-MH powernya gede, lampu berpower gede gini rada gak cocok buat tanning aro, seperti yang dibilang oleh bos richard_tan hati2 ama mata ikan bisa buta, DE, etc. hati2 lah tanning aro pake watt gede untuk 1 lampu ditambah K-nya tinggi sekali.

Metal halide lamps were initially preferred to mercury vapor lamps in instances where natural light was desired because of the whiter light generated (mercury vapor lamps generating light that was much bluer). However the distinction today is not as great. Some metal halide lamps can deliver very clean "white" light that has a color rendering index (CRI) in the '80s. With the introduction of specialized metal halide mixtures, metal halide lamps are now available that can have a correlated color temperature as low as 3000 kelvins (very yellow) to 20,000 kelvins (very blue). Some specialized lamps have been created for the spectral absorption needs of plants (indoor gardening) or animals (indoor aquariums).

Due to tolerances in the manufacturing process, color temperature can vary slightly from lamp to lamp, and the color properties of metal halide bulbs cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy. Moreover, per ANSI standards the color specifications of metal halide bulbs are measured after the bulb has been burned for 100 hours (seasoned). The color characteristics of a metal halide lamp will not conform to specifications until the bulb has been properly seasoned. Color temperature variance is seen greatest in "probe start" technology lamps (±300 kelvins).

Newer metal halide technology, referred to as "pulse start," has improved color rendering and a more controlled kelvin variance (±100 to 200 kelvins). The color temperature of a metal halide lamp can also be affected by the electrical characteristics of the electrical system powering the bulb and manufacturing variances in the bulb itself. If a metal halide bulb is underpowered it will have a lower physical temperature and its light output will be 'cooler' (more blue, or very similar to that of a mercury vapor lamp). This is because the lower arc temperature will not completely vaporize and ionize the halide salts which are primarily responsible for the warmer colors (reds, yellows), thus the more-readily ionized mercury will dominate the light output. This phenomenon is also seen during warmup, when the arc tube has not yet reached full operating temperature and the halides have not fully vaporized.

The inverse is true for an overpowered bulb, but this condition can be hazardous, leading possibly to arc-tube rupture due to overheating and overpressure. Moreover, the color properties of metal halide lamps often change over the lifetime of the bulb. Often, in large installations of MH lamps, particularly of the quartz arc-tube variety, it will be seen that no two are exactly alike in color.

Although an excellent source of lighting for the reef aquarium, there has been concern voiced by some aquarists over the potential ill-effects of close-range contact with metal halide lighting which is demanded by the hobby. Some individuals have noticed temporary blurred vision even after very brief exposure to metal halide lighting.
buat yang lain, kalo mau pake buat tanning aro sih pake lampu yang biasa2 saja dan udah banyak dibahas oleh bro JD dan member2 diforum sebelumnya. yang diiklan baris bukan 20000K tuh , coba baca kotak dusnya baik2, bisa bikin gosong ikan.
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